Saturday, February 12, 2011


Today I figured out that I can be "Mommy Mechanic" and not have to chase Pdawg around the house. He just comes to me with his various train ailments. Which means that the basis of my workouts of late is now in jeopardy, as my previous role as "Mommy Tender" meant that I spent time chasing Pdawg-Engine through the house.

No excuses. I've had reasons for working out to be more difficult, but I should still have been working out. The hurdles that I'm working on of late are that my job has picked up steam, and now I'm having meetings over lunch hour. In addition, I may need to start working more hours this year to compensate for this project. That's not certain, but likely. So that puts exercise in the category of things that I have to fit into my 5lb sack. I have to figure out how to fit that into the time that I spend with the boyz, cleaning the house (snicker), sleeping, hygiene, dog walking...

So darling hubster and I went through the local Himalayan Institute schedule, and we have a couple of yoga classes that might fit the bill. That's one day. Now to figure out the other 6 days of the week.

Next up my eating.

1 comment:

  1. Well, eating is one positive step in the right direction! And I'm sure you can find ways to incorporate just a few minutes of exercise that increase over time. Maybe week days, it's walking the stairs for 5 minutes, or sprints with P-man down the street. Weekends, it's something for you to have sanity time by yourself for 10 or more minutes each day?
    You're walking back to the bandwagon, you're totally capable of doing whatever you decide.
