I ran tonight...does that count?
It's been a sort of ineffectve week with Porter's birthday and my general chilling out. So Chris and I ran on Sunday, with Uncle Bill doing a quick rucksack run with Porter. And then really nothing other than walking until tonight. Chris leaves tomorrow to teach a clinic this weekend, which means exercise opportunities will tend towards the dog walking/stroller pushing and less running. Maybe I'll be able to squeeze some yoga or pilates in. Perhaps...
Thursday seems to be my night. Finally ran a full mile, and Chris took his Garmin GPS out. The cool news is that it proved that my guess on the distance of our trail lap was right on - 0.35 miles one way. So neener neener. The bad news is that I'm really in that bad a shape. Given I haven't gotten in much working out so far, that's to be expected. But I am super happy to crack that mile barrier. So for now I'll take it.
Sunday: Total 1.3 miles, Run 0.7 miles
Thursday: Total 1.3 miles, Run 1.05 miles
definitely! every run counts, esp when you're continuing to make them longer and longer - way cool! You should post your week totals, even though you've been out less frequently, I bet the totals would not be much lower.